Intermediate Community Policing
This Intermediate Community Policing course helps tribal police departments by building awareness. The five-part course introduces the social developmental skill building required for tribal communities to investigate domestic violence, identify drug and alcohol use and abuse, deter Internet predators, and engage in proactive problem solving methodologies in accordance with Community Policing concepts, processes and techniques. This course also introduces tribal police officers to best practices for use of force.
- Enable officers to identify and prevent substance abuse in their communities.
- Assist in the development of community oriented drug and domestic violence prevention plans.
- Create strategies for building effective community coalitions to include law enforcement, youth, social services, schools, and tribal courts.
- Identify promising approaches to Internet crime prevention, intervention and suppression.
- Create a depository of subject related resource materials and glossaries.
- Examine community policing concepts and principles as they relate to substance abuse, domestic violence, use of force and community crime prevention.
0.5 CEU is available from George Mason University for successful completion of the course with a passing grade. Please contact for more information about earning CEUs.
Keywords: tribal police, Native American, Indian Country, law enforcement, community policing, prevention, abuse
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Price :
$149.00 ( Per License )
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