Officer Wellness - Course
The mental health of law enforcement officers is a critical issue. Those involved in law enforcement, and their families, are subjected to stressors unlike any other group in the U.S. This course was prepared “by cops, for cops” in hopes that the information gained here will encourage officers to address the destructive effects of stress before they become serious.
This course will examine the role of stress on law enforcement officers.
- Terminology
- Statistics
- Causal factors
- Mental and physical signs and symptoms
- Recommendations for reducing stress and its effects.
Officer Wellness - Course
The mental health of law enforcement officers is a critical issue. Those involved in law enforcement, and their families, are subjected to stressors unlike any other group in the U.S. This course was prepared “by cops, for cops” in hopes that the information gained here will encourage officers to address the destructive effects of stress before they become serious.
This course will examine the role of stress on law enforcement officers.
- Terminology
- Statistics
- Causal factors
- Mental and physical signs and symptoms
- Recommendations for reducing stress and its effects.
Buy This Course
Price :
$35.00 ( Per License )
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